How was the Great Peninsular Plateau formed?

The Peninsular plateau is a tableland made out of the old crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks. It has its arrangement related to the breaking of Gondwana land. Gondwana land was one of the plates that were framed after the breaking of the incredible continent called Pangea. The other piece of Pangea was called Laurasia. This incredible peninsular plateau comprises numerous broad and shallow valleys. Many rounded hills can likewise be tracked down in this great plateau. This great plateau has been separated into two wide divisions specifically the central highlands and the Deccan plateau. The Deccan plateau is delicately slanted towards the east and is higher in the west. 

The width of the central highland is less in the east and more in the west part. The well-known Aravalli mountain range borders this plateau in the northwest, the Vindhya Range and the Satpura range are other significant reaches that are arranged in this plateau. This level is exceptionally plentiful in numerous significant mineral resources like iron metal and coal.

The incredible peninsular plateau is generally triangular in shape with its base lined up with the valley of Ganga. Its zenith point towards the southern tip of India. Deccan plateau is likewise a part of the peninsular plateau. This Peninsular plateau has gone through intermittent periods of upliftment and submergence joined by crustal faulting and breaks.

 It has expansive and shallow valleys and rounded hills. Two expansive divisions, to be specific, are the Central Highlands and the Deccan Plateau. The Central Highlands are more extensive in the West yet narrower in the East. The Deccan Plateau is higher in the West and slants tenderly eastwards.

Types of soil found in the Peninsular Plateau

The soils found at the Peninsular level are black soil, red soil, and laterite soil.

  • Black soil: Shaped by the cooling of magma. It is reasonable for cotton development.
  • Red soil: Shaped by the enduring of volcanic and metamorphic rocks. It has the presence of iron and gives a red tone.
  • Laterite soil: Formed in the districts with monsoon rains and discontinuous hot seasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: When was Peninsular Plateau formed?


The volcanic basalt layers of the Deccan Plateau were shaped because of the gigantic volcanic flare-up in the Deccan Traps. This occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period somewhere in the range of 65 and 67 million years back.

Question 2: For what reason is the Peninsular plateau a peninsula?


Peninsula is any expanse of land which is encircled by water on three sides and land on one side. India is called as Peninsula since it is encircled by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east.

Question 3: For what reason is a peninsular plateau of India known as the construction of minerals Explain?


The Peninsular Plateau is framed by igneous and metamorphic rocks because of volcanic exercises. Major metallic minerals like iron-mineral and coal stores are bounteously tracked down in this Plateau. Other Non-metallic minerals like Mica are additionally found around here, making it the construction of Minerals of India.

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