Compare the east-flowing and the west-flowing rivers of the Peninsular Plateau

The peninsular rivers incorporate the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Narmada, and Tapti or Tapi. Together they channel a critical piece of rustic India. These waterways convey both strict and social importance in the existence of Indian individuals. The geology and climate of Peninsular India are two supplanting effective checks impacting the waterways of Peninsular India. By affecting the verdure and soil of the region, the climate and topography become two significant choosing components of the sedimentological nature and the whole method of soil erosion, silting, and move factors in each catchment region of the stream.

The peninsular waterways in India begin from focal good countries and western Ghats. The Peninsular waste framework is more established than the Himalayan one. This is clear from the wide, generally reviewed shallow valleys and the development of the streams. The Western Ghats running close toward the west coast goes about as the water split between the major Peninsular streams, releasing their water in the Bay of Bengal and as little creeks joining the Arabian Sea.

West flowing rivers 

In Peninsular India, the west-streaming waterways are more modest and less in number contrasted with east-streaming streams. The significant west-streaming waterways in Peninsular India are the Narmada stream and the Tapi waterway. These streams stream in the west heading because of deficiencies like a direct break, Rift Valley. Every one of the west-streaming waterways in Peninsular India stream lined up with Vindhyas and Satpuras.

On India’s western coast, streams flowing from east to west meet the Arabian Sea. When these streams descend into the ocean, they typically shape estuaries.

River Narmada

It starts in Madhya Pradesh’s Amarkantak Hills, part of the Maikal Mountain range. Vindhyachal in the north and Satpura in the south are two mountain ranges where it flows in the valley formed by their separation. This canal originates in MP and flows mostly through Gujarat before reaching the Arabian Sea. The waterway is 1312 kilometers long. This river is located in Gujarat’s Narmada region and contains the renowned Sardar Sarovar Dam.


The Tapti or Tapi stream and the Narmada river were almost parallel. It starts in Madhya Pradesh’s Baitul District and flows about 724 kilometers. The Tapti River runs alongside the city of Surat. The Gulf of Khambhat is where the Tapti River and the Arabian Sea meet. The Sabarmati River and the Mahi River are the other two rivers that flow from East to West.

East Flowing Rivers

Over the course of humanity, the stream has stood firm in critical situations. Water, which is significant for a man to live, is one of the essential regular assets that the stream gives. In this manner, for a very long time, people have attempted to choose the banks of the waterways to use without limit. The waterway helps make the dirt rich, making it reasonable for different yields to develop. It tends to be utilized for the water systems, the age of hydropower, route, and so on. The waterway is extremely critical, particularly in nations like India, which is profoundly subject to its horticultural practices. The streams that begin from the little slopes and the peninsular level are for the most part occasional and non-enduring in nature and are known as the peninsular waterways. The significant East streaming peninsular waterways of India are Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery, Mahanadi, Subarnarekha, Vaigai, Brahmani, Pennar, and so on.

Apart from the Narmada and Tapti, all of peninsular India’s rivers flow from west to east for the reason that this is how peninsular India was conquered: from west to east.


Mahanadi, which means “grand river” in Hindi, is really one of Chhattisgarh’s longest streams. It starts on the Sihawa slopes of Chhattisgarh and flows through mostly two Indian states, such as C.G. and Odisha. Overlooking the Mahanadi River in Odisha is the construction of the renowned Hirakud Dam. It meets the ocean at the Bay of Bengal because of its west-to-east stream bearing.


With a length of 1465 km, it is the longest canal in Peninsular India. Although it mostly flows through Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh, its feeders also go through Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. It originates in Nasik, Maharashtra’s Triambak Hills, and its principal feeders include Wainganga, Penganga, Indravati, and others.

Compare the east flowing and the west flowing rivers of the Peninsular plateau 

East flowing rivers

West flowing rivers

The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are some of the important east-streaming waterways at peninsular level.  However, the Narmada and the Tapi are the two most important west-streaming streams at the peninsular level.
 East Streaming Waterways flow into the Bay of Bengal. These Rivers flow into the Arabian Sea. 
Deltas are built along the east coast by east flowing waterways.  Although there is no delta in the west-streaming streams. Estuaries are structured.
There is a built-in and substantial feeder framework for east flowing rivers.  Although there is no sign of a developed feeder framework in the west-streaming streams.
77% of the nation’s waste streams are east-flowing rivers that go into the Bay of Bengal. 23% of the nation’s waste streams flow westward toward the Arabian Sea. These rivers are known as west flowing rivers.
With the exception of the Narmada and Tapi, the most of the major Peninsular Rivers flow from west to east.  The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are further important stream systems of the peninsular garbage. Peninsular streams can be identified by their proper alignment and lack of water that wanders off course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Why do most peninsular waterways east streaming?


The vast majority of the peninsular waterways stream in the east bearing in light of the fact that the Peninsula of India is slopped towards the East district. Subsequently, as the waterway stream bearing by and large relies upon the land’s slope, the greater part of them are east streaming.

Question 2: What number of waterways stream in the west?


The two significant waterways streaming towards the western locale of India are Narmada and Tapi/Tapti. The striking component of these waterways is that they structure no valley rather they move through the flaws like direct cracks, fracture valleys, boxes, and so on.

Question 3: What is the justification for a large portion of the significant streams stream from west to east in India?


Since India’s slant is from west to east a large portion of the Indian waterways, which begin (either in the Himalayas or the Western Ghats) stream from west to east. The consistent stretch of the Western Ghats disallows the free progression of streams into the Arabian Sea.

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