How to Test Your Eyes using the Computer?

In the digital age we live in today, where displays take up much of our time, we must take good care of our eyes. Extended periods of screen usage can often lead to eye strain, weariness, and other vision-related problems. Many businesses provide online examinations you can take using a computer and the internet. The Snellen Chart is made up of rows of alphabets in varying sizes for better implementation. You read these letters from a distance of twenty feet as required, and the smallest row you can correctly identify determines whether you have normal human vision.

In this article, we’ll see all the required steps to test your eyes using the Computer.

Who can Test Eyes using the Computer?

Healthy individuals between the ages of 18 and 39 can test their eyes using the computer.

  • Have a weak prescription for eyeglasses.
  • Have had a thorough eye checkup and are certain that their eyes are healthy.
  • Have no risk factors for eye disease, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

How to Test your Eyes using the Computer?

There may be several steps in an online vision test. To complete the exam portion that measures your distant vision, you will need a computer and a comfortable place to sit. Additionally, to use an app for some tests, you must have a smartphone. You may likely need to wear contacts or prescription glasses to the test if you have either.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to test your eyes using the computer efficiently.

  • Maintain a distance between you and your computer of at least 1 meter > Cover your Left eye.
  • Click Start > See a straight line with 8 characters > Type the mentioned letters without spacing.
  • Click on Next, after entering each letter.

Note: After entering all the letters correctly, you’ll automatically progress for further stages of the structured chart.

  • If you put the wrong information, you must re-test by “Re-Do Test“.
  • After receiving the result for the left eye, you need to repeat this process for the right eye.

How does the Eyes Test work using the Computer?

During this interactive eye exam, your eyesight will be tested from 20/70 to 20/20. You will be taken to the results page for 20/20 (perfect vision) if you complete the exam successfully. It’s crucial to test with and without your corrective lenses whether you wear glasses or contact lenses. This can help you determine whether the strength of your existing script is appropriate for you.


Taking an online eye test is an easy and accessible way to keep an eye on your eyesight and encourage preventative eye care. You can monitor your eye health and identify any potential problems early on by including these tests in your regimen. Do not forget that routine eye exams conducted by an eye care specialist should be combined with online testing to provide complete eye care. There has never been an easier way to protect your vision than with the technology at your fingertips.

Also Read

How to Test your Eyes using the Computer – FAQs

Which types of eye checks can we do via Computer or Online?

An online or Computer based vision test can check:

  • Sharpness of our vision
  • Light sensitivity of our eyes
  • Color-blindness of our eyes
  • If we suffer from astigmatism, an eye disorder that can cause things to appear stretched or hazy.

Are eye tests accurate via computer?

Regarding the accuracy of online vision tests, physicians cannot agree. Furthermore, because they are still in their infancy, not enough research has been done on them to determine how closely they resemble an examination by an eye specialist.

Are humans behind the computer important?

Depending on factors including age, eye muscle health, type of employment, and other eye issues, this strength needs to be honed. You are made to read the letters on the chart at a set distance in what is known as subjective testing. Your answers are evaluated here.

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