How to take input in Octave GNU?

Octave is open-source, free available for many of the platforms. It is a high-level language. It comes up with a text interface along with an experimental graphical interface. It is also used for various Machine Learning algorithms for solving various numeric problems. You can say that it is similar to MATLAB but slower than MATLAB.

There are multiple library functions to take input from the user in Octave.


The input() function prints the prompt and waits for the user to enter a value, it takes an expression, evaluates it, and then returns it. The return arguments depend on the expression entered.

Syntax : input(prompt, “s”)
Parameters :

  • prompt : the text prompted on the terminal
  • “s” : indicates not to evaluate the entered expression

Returns : depends on the input value

Example 1 :

var = input("Enter an expression : ");
% entered expression is 2 + 3
fprintf("Input is %d\n", var);

Output :

Enter an expression : 2 + 3
Input is 5

Example 2 : Using the “s” attribute :

var = input("Enter an expression : ", "s");
% entered expression is 2 + 3
fprintf("Input is %s\n", var);

Output :

Enter an expression : 2 + 3
Input is 2 + 3


The yes_or_no() function accepts only two input values, either yes or no.

Syntax : yes_or_no(“prompt”)
Parameters :

  • prompt : the text prompted on the terminal

Returns : 1 if “yes”, 0 if “no”

If any other value except yes or no is entered, the prompt will reappear asking for the input.

Example :

var = yes_or_no("Enter a value : ");
% entered value is yes
var = yes_or_no("Enter a value : ");
% entered value is no


Enter a value : (yes or no) yes
Enter a value : (yes or no) no


The kbhit() function waits for any keypress, after the key is pressed, it returns that key.

Syntax : kbhit(argument)
Parameters :

  • argument : if called with an argument, it does not wait for a keypress

Returns : depends on the input value

Example :

% entered value is a

ans = a
ans =


The menu() function is used to display a menu with a heading title and options, and wait for the user input. If the GUI is running, the menu is displayed graphically Otherwise, the title and menu options are printed on the console.

Syntax : menu(title, opt1, …)
Parameters :

  • title : title of the menu window
  • opt1, opt2 … : list of options in the menu window

Returns : depends on the option selected

Example :

% generating the menu
choice = menu("title", "opt1","opt2","opt3");
% displaying the choice
fprintf("The choice is : ");

Output :

The choice is :  1

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