How to output in Octave GNU

Octave is open-source, free available for many of the platforms. It is a high-level language. It comes up with a text interface along with an experimental graphical interface. It is also used for various Machine Learning algorithms for solving various numeric problems. You can say that it is similar to MATLAB but slower than MATLAB.
There are multiple library functions to display an output in Octave.


The printf() function prints the characters and returns the number of character printed, the format is a string starting with % and ends with conversion character (like c, i, f, d, etc.).

Syntax : printf(template, variables) 
Parameters : 

  • template : string to be written on the console, it also contains format specifiers like %d, %s etc
  • variables : values that will replace the format specifiers

Types of Format Specifiers : 

  • %d : used for integers
  • %f : used for floating point values
  • %s : used for strings

Returns : number of characters printed 

Example : 


% using printf() without format specifiers
printf("Hello World!!\n");
x = 5;
% using printf() with format specifiers
printf("Welcome, value of x is %d\n", x);

Output : 

Hello World!!
Welcome, value of x is 5



The fprintf() function is equivalent to the printf() function, except that the output is written to the file descriptor fid instead of stdout.

Syntax : fprintf(fid, template, variables) 
Parameters : 

  • fid : file descriptor
  • template : string to be written on the console, it also contains format specifiers like %d, %s etc
  • variables : values that will replace the format specifiers

Types of Format Specifiers : 

  • %d : used for integers
  • %f : used for floating point values
  • %s : used for strings

Returns : number of characters printed 

Example : 


% using fprintf() without format specifiers
fprintf("Hello World!!\n");
x = 5;
% using fprintf() with format specifiers
printf("Welcome, value of x is %d\n", x);

Output : 

Hello World!!
Welcome, value of x is 5



The sprintf() function is like the printf() function, except that the output is returned as a string.

Syntax : sprintf(template, variables) 
Parameters : 

  • template : string to be written on the console, it also contains format specifiers like %d, %s etc
  • variables : values that will replace the format specifiers

Types of Format Specifiers : 

  • %d : used for integers
  • %f : used for floating point values
  • %s : used for strings

Returns : number of characters printed 



% using sprintf() without format specifiers
fprintf("Hello World!!\n");
x = 5;
% using sprintf() with format specifiers
printf("Welcome, value of x is %d\n", x);

Output : 

Hello World!!
Welcome, value of x is 5



The disp() function is used to either display the value on the console or assign the value to a variable. 

Syntax : disp(argument) 
Parameters : 

  • argument : can either be a string or a variable

Returns : the string/value printed 



% displaying the value of the console
disp("Hello World!!");
% assigning the value to a variable
output = disp("Welcome");
% displaying the assigned variable value

Output : 

Hello World!!


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