How to Split Screen in Windows 10?

Sometimes, you need to use the split screen on Windows 10. This helps in dividing the portion of the screen into some parts for working on different applications simultaneously. While answering the question of how to split screen in Windows 10, you will find two different methods.

Methods To Use Split Screen On Windows 10

Method 1: Using Manual Dragging

Step 1: To split the screen on Windows 10, first minimize the window and hold onto the side that needs to be placed at the corner. (hold any of the sides of the screen.)


Step 2: Now place that corner in the respective corner of the screen. If users hold the upper right corner of the application window, then that needs to be placed at the same corner of the screen.  And the size will shrink. It will now allow holding the different applications on the same screen.


Hence, by following this 2-step procedure, we can easily split the screen on Windows 10.

Method 2: Using Shortcut Keys

Step 1: In this case, press two keys simultaneously Windows + Arrow keys (the arrow keys will be the Left or Right arrow). If the window needs to be placed on the right-hand side, then use the Right Arrow, else press the Left Arrow.


Step 2: After that, enter two different sets of keys by pressing the Windows + Arrow keys simultaneously. In this case, the arrow will be a different one (Left & Right) as per preference. 


Hence, by following this 2-step procedure, we can easily split the screen on Windows 10.

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