How to Sort Data by Color in Excel?

Sorting Data By Color allows us to segregate the data cells of a specific color. There can be many ways to sort by color like sorting by Cell color, sorting by Font color, etc. We can also add multiple levels in sorting data by color. Sorting by Color makes analysis very easy and time-saving. 

Sort by Cell Color

Given a dataset of Beginner for Beginner courses and its fees. In the given data set the rows are colored with yellow whose fees are greater than 1000 rupees. Try putting all the cells at the top whose fees are greater than 1000 rupees. 

Steps for sorting data by color

Step 1: Select the cells in which you want to apply to sort. 

Step 2: Go to Data Tab and you will find an option called Sort. Click on the Sort option and a pop-up appears. 

Step 3: The pop-up has many different options.

  • Add Level: This option helps us add different levels based on the priority.
  • Delete Level: It helps delete the added levels.
  • Copy Level: It allows us to copy different levels for reordering the priority.

Step 4: Go to Sort by column and select on which basis you want to sort the data. Generally, sorting by color does not require this but by default, we need to fill this field. 

Step 5: Sort on is the most important field and tells on which criteria you want to sort the selected cells either sort by cell color or sort by font color etc. Selecting sort by cell color for this example. 

Step 6: After selecting sort by color. Set the priorities for all colors.

Step 7: The next field tells whether you want to position all the colored cells on top or bottom. Selecting on Top for current data Set. 

Step 8: Hence all the cells with yellow color come at the top.

Sort by Font Color

Given a data Set of Beginner for Beginner Courses and their Fees. All the articles whose prize is greater than 1000 rupees are written in red font color. Try locating all the cells at the top whose fees are greater than 1000 rupees. 

Steps for sorting by font color 

Step 1: Select the cells in which you want to apply to sort. 

Step 2: Go to Data Tab and you will find an option called Sort. Click on the Sort option and a pop-up appears. 

Step 3: The pop-up appears and selects the column you want to apply filter. 

Step 4: Selecting Sort by Font Color for this example.

Step 5: Set the color priority for sorting by font color. 

Step 6: The next field tells whether you want to position all the font-colored cells on top or bottom. Selecting on Top for current data Set. 

Step 7: Hence all rows with red font color came at top of the table. 

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