Bubble Sort algorithm using JavaScript
Bubble sort algorithm is an algorithm that sorts an array by comparing two adjacent elements and swapping them if they are not in the intended order. Here order can be anything like increasing or decreasing....
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Selection Sort Visualizer in JavaScript
Selection sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly finding the minimum element (considering ascending order) from the unsorted part and putting it at the beginning....
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Bubble Sort Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Bubble Sort using JavaScript. We will see how the elements are swapped in Bubble Sort and how we get the final sorted array. We will also visualize the time complexity of Bubble Sort....
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Merge Sort for Linked Lists in JavaScript
Prerequisite: Merge Sort for Linked Lists Merge sort is often preferred for sorting a linked list. The slow random-access performance of a linked list makes some other algorithms (such as quicksort) perform poorly, and others (such as heapsort) completely impossible....
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Merge Sort Visualization in JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps users with better understanding programs. In this article, we will visualize Merge Sort using JavaScript. We will see how the arrays are divided and merged after sorting to get the final sorted array....
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Quick Sort(Hoare’s Partition) Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Quick Sort using JavaScript. We will see how the array is being partitioned into two parts and how we get the final sorted array. We will also visualize the time complexity of Quick Sort....
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Insertion Sort Visualization using JavaScript
Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm in which values from the unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part....
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PHP | Sort array of strings in natural and standard orders
You are given an array of strings. You have to sort the given array in standard way (case of alphabets matters) as well as natural way (alphabet case does not matter)....
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Quick Sort(Lomuto Partition) Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better in understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Quick Sort using JavaScript. We will see how the array is being partitioned using Lomuto Partition and then how we get the final sorted array. We will also visualize the time complexity of Quick Sort....
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Javascript Program to Find a triplet that sum to a given value
Given an array and a value, find if there is a triplet in array whose sum is equal to the given value. If there is such a triplet present in array, then print the triplet and return true. Else return false....
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Heap Sort Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Heap Sort using JavaScript. We will see how the array is first converted into Maxheap and then how we get the final sorted array. We will also visualize the time complexity of Heap Sort....
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Javascript Program For Sorting An Array Of 0s, 1s and 2s
Given an array A[] consisting 0s, 1s and 2s. The task is to write a function that sorts the given array. The functions should put all 0s first, then all 1s and all 2s in last.Examples:...
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