How to set up Setuptools for Python on Windows?

Setuptools is a package development process library that is designed to make packaging Python projects easier by boosting the standard distutils (distribution utilities) library of Python. 

  • It includes Python package and module definitions
  • It includes distribution package metadata
  • It includes test hooks
  • It includes project installation
  • It also includes platform-specific details
  • It supports Python3.

In this article, we will learn how to install Setuptools for Python on Windows.

Installing Setuptools on Windows 

Method 1: Using pip to install Setuptools Package

Follow the below steps to install the Setuptools package on Windows using pip:

Step 1: Install the latest or current version of Python3 in Windows.

Step 2: Now check if pip and python are correctly installed in your system using the following commands.

python –version

pip –version

Step 3: Upgrade pip to the latest version to avoid errors during installation.

pip install –upgrade pip

Step 4: Enter the following command in the command prompt to install Setuptools using pip.

pip install setuptools

Method 2: Using to install Setuptools

Follow the below steps to install the Setuptools on Windows using the file:

Step 1: Download the latest source package of Setuptools for Python3 from here.

curl > setuptools-60.2.0.tar.gz

Step 2: Extract the downloaded package using the given command.

tar -xzvf setuptools-60.2.0.tar.gz

Step 3: Go to the setuptools-60.2.0 folder and enter the following command to install the package.

cd setuptools-60.2.0

python install

Verifying Setuptools installation on Windows

Make the following import in your Python terminal to verify if the installation of the Setuptools package has been done properly:

import setuptools 

If there is any error while importing the module then the Setuptools package is not installed properly.

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