How to Set Up Processing on Windows?

Processing is Open Source Software that is used for the Electronic Arts and visual design communities. We can create different types of arts using our coding skills like games, animation And physics engine, etc.

To set up processing follow the below steps:

Step 1: Download processing for Windows from here.

Step 2: Extract The Zip file in any folder and open processing .exe.

Step 3: The Processing IDE will be open where you can write your code.

Example :


// Program to show moving Ball.
// Set up variable position,colour and velocity.
PVector pos;
PVector vel;
int col;
// Function to set up size of canvas
// and position,velocity and colour.
void setup(){
  size(600, 600);
  pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
  vel = new PVector(random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4));
  col = floor(random(0, 255));
// Function to draw eclipse.
void draw(){
  fill(204, 102, 0);
  ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, 50, 50);
// Function to check the position
// of ball must be within screen.
void checkValid(){
  if(pos.x <= 25 || pos.x >= width - 25){
    vel.x *= -1;
    // Change in colour when it hit the wall.
    col = floor(random(0 ,255));
  if(pos.y <=25 || pos.y >= height - 25){
    vel.y *= -1;
    // Change in colour when it hit the wall.
    col = floor(random(0 ,255));



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