How to set the Width of a Table in HTML ?

To set the width of a table in HTML, you can use the “width” attribute within the <table> tag. This attribute specifies the width of the table, either in pixels (px) or as a percentage of the available space.


<table width="value">
<!-- Table content: rows and cells -->
Key Point Description
Fixed Width If you specify the width in pixels (px), the table will have a fixed width regardless of the viewport size.
Percentage Width If you use a percentage value, the table’s width will be relative to the width of its containing element or the viewport.
Responsive Design Avoid using fixed widths for tables if you want them to be responsive. Instead, consider using percentage widths to adapt to different screen sizes.


  • To set the width of a table to a specific number of pixels:
<table width="500px">
<!-- Table content: rows and cells -->
  • To set the width of a table as a percentage of the available space:
<table width="80%">
<!-- Table content: rows and cells -->
  • It’s important to consider the content of the table and the layout requirements when setting the width. Avoid excessively wide tables that may cause horizontal scrolling on smaller screens.

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