How to Resolve App Crashes in Android Studio?

While developing applications in Android Studio we might encounter many errors while writing code in the editor. We know that there’s an error since the editor automatically detects in real-time and highlights it in red color like this

Well, in the above image we can see that the error occurs due to a closing bracket after orderLists in Line 58. We can say that because the editor detects that in real-time and warns us with red underlining at that line. Now we can write error-less code and our app should run, right? Well, NO. Because the editor only helps in detecting the syntax error in the code. Whereas we have many other kinds of errors that might cause our app not to work the way we want it to be. Runtime and Logical errors are the common ones and cannot be detected in the editor. 

Now the question is – We have written 100’s and 1000’s lines of error less codes or I should syntax error free code that compiles and runs without any problem. But my app still stops working or some features don’t work the way I want it to?

In this situation, the Logcat acts as our best friend. Logcat Window is the place where various messages can be printed when an application runs. Suppose, you are running your application and the program crashes, unfortunately. Then, Logcat Window is going to help you to debug the output by collecting and viewing all the messages that your emulator throws. So, this is a very useful component for the app development because this Logcat dumps a lot of system messages and these messages are actually thrown by the emulator. In Android Studio one of the most used tools is Logcat. Logcat window in Android Studio is used to display real-time system messages and messages that are added in the Log class of the app. To open Logcat Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (Alt + 6 or from the toolbar window).

Most Common Types of Error

  • NullPointerException – When expecting from null variables, objects, or classes.
  • IOException – Exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O operations.
  • OutOfMemoryError – When an object cannot be allocated more memory by its garbage collector.

Solutions to fix App Crash

1. Observe the App Crash

Suppose you have built an application with multiple activities or fragments or both then you need to observe and see which action causes the application to crash. This might sometimes help you automatically remember or recall what mistake was made and which part of the app is causing that.

2. Find the Stack Trace 

It is best to look at the logcat to find the exact point of error. You can open the logcat and in the error section start reading the log error messages. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and look for the line that says Caused by. You may find the file name and line number in the logcat messages, which will lead you directly to the cause of the error. Look for elements to resolve the error. 

  • File Name
  • Line Number
  • Exception Type
  • Exception Message

3. Investigation Techniques

There are times when you might not find the exact line of code or file name that’s causing the error. So you should following techniques to investigate by yourself – 

  • Toast – Toast messages are used to display alerts messages and in this case, you can use them to display failure messages.
  • Logging – Logging is used to print messages in the logcat.
  • Breakpoints – It can be used to investigate values at the points where breaks are applied.

4. Google for Solution

There will be times we cannot fix the bug by ourselves and that’s ok. That’s the time you should start searching for solutions on the internet. Try googling with the main query message like – java.lang.NullPointerException. Generally, try looking for links of StackOverflow with maximum matching keywords of your search in the google search results. Afterward, you can go for other portals if you do not find the solution in StackOverflow.

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