How to Create a New Branch on GitHub using Android Studio?
Creating a new branch on GitHub using Android Studio can help your development workflow by allowing you to work on new features or fixes without affecting the main codebase. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to create a new branch directly from Android Studio and push it to your GitHub repository....
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How to Build a Number Shapes Android App in Android Studio?
Android is a vast field to learn and explore and to make this learning journey more interesting and productive we should keep trying new problems with new logic. So, today we are going to develop an application in android studio which tells us about Numbers that have shapes. We will be covering two types of numbers i.e. triangular and square. So, firstly let us know what actually they are:...
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How to Speed Up Gradle build in Android Studio?
Gradle is one of the most important files or extensions that are present in the Android Project. Gradle handles all the libraries and application IDs and many important components of any Android application. Every time when we run our application or we build our apk we will get to see the message as Gradle build running and many more. In some devices, Gradle works very fast whereas in some devices it takes so much time to load and build your application....
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Birthday Wishing Android Application
Java Android world is quite amazing and here we will be deep diving into creating a Simple Android Application that can act as both a friendly Android Project and a Nice Surprise for a friend. The Best Way to greet your best friend is to create an Android Application that will wish him “Happy Birthday” on your behalf, unlike other boring messages....
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How to Print to the Console in Android Studio?
In computer technology, the console is simply a combination of a monitor and an input device. Generally, the input device is referred to here as the pair of mouse and keyboard. In order to proceed with the topic, we have to understand the terminology of computer science, which is an important part of the process of developing software, and it’s called debugging. Debugging is the process of identifying a bug or an error and fixing it properly for the software. We have to test the software before producing it on market in multiple phases. We have to debug the errors also, then only software will be pure error-free and it will be ready for production. The most of the things which computer does with our code is invisible for us. For Debugging, we have to identify the error first then only we can solve that error. If you want to see the error, then you have to print or log it to our console directly. There are many and different methods in different programming languages for doing it....
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How to Add Firebase Analytics to Android App in Android Studio?
Analytics is one of the important tools that developers should definitely used while building their applications. It is very helpful to target your apps for various audience ranges and to track on which screen the users are spending a long time. So it is one of the important features which one should not miss adding while building any Android Application. Firebase is one of the famous online platforms which is a product of Google which offers analytics services for free. This analytics can be integrated inside our app along with Firebase and you can get to see the events of your application and track your audiences very easily. In this article, we will be integrating Google Analytics inside our Android application....
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How to Build a Step Counting Application in Android Studio?
Many of us have used the step counter on our phones while we go for walk or run. It counts the total steps that the user has walked and displays it on the screen. The other name for the step counter is a pedometer. But have you ever thought about how can an app count our steps? What is the coding behind the working of this app? Let’s find the answer to these questions by making one....
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Top 20 Tips and Tricks of Android Studio
As an Android Developer, the developers use a number of IDE for writing the code for the Application. For example, Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio (in some cases), etc. But the most popular and recommended one among these IDEs is the Android Studio. Nowadays, every Android Developer uses Android Studio to write codes for their Application because Android Studio provides us a lot of functionalities and features, that make the speed of writing codes fast. Also, the developers get an organized way to manage their project in Android Studio. So in this article, we are going to discuss the top 20 tricks, shortcuts of Android Studio that will help you in improving your overall performance....
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How to Uninstall APK Automatically Before Run or Debug in Android Studio?
In this article, we will discuss how we can uninstall the APK from the android device before we run or debug the app in android studio. We almost have to test that when a new user comes to our app, he/she will be shown a first-time login/welcome screen. To test this feature, we have to uninstall the app before we proceed to show the latest changed code in the Android Studio. The prerequisite of this topic is you must have Android Studio installed on your device. So, let’s start by creating an android project first....
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Input Quantity in Flutter
A Flutter widget for quantity input. Increase or decrease the input value by pressing the button. Built with a text field, InputQty also supports typing input quantity manually. The input value will automatically return to the preset maximum/minimum value. The cursor will automatically move to the right side after typing....
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Difference Between Android Studio and Flutter
Android Studio is a part of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) technology stack. It describes it as an Android Development Environment and is based on the IntelliJ IDEA. It was formerly known as Android Development Tools (ADT), which adds additional capabilities and improvements to the eclipse....
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How to Use ButterKnifeZelezny X Plugin in Android Studio?
Laziness is one of the most powerful properties of a good programmer, most android developers know about JakeWharton’s ButterKnife annotation library. Without writing repeated elements like findViewById() and setONClickListner(), we use this library, so it can reduce the developer burden to write the same code again and again when there are many views in the layout that need to get references through findViewByID(). The 7 features of butterknife plug-ins are:...
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