How to mount windows drives in Ubuntu

Figure: Error occurred while accessing the windows drive

Following are the step wise instructions to access windows drives in Ubuntu (Any Version),

1. Open terminal and type sudo ntfsfix error mounting location as shown in above picture and press enter button.
2. It will ask for system password, enter password and again press enter.
3. It will take some seconds to process command and at the end shows the message like “NTFS partition was processed successfully.”
4. Again click on windows drive, now you are allow to access clicked drive.

For Example:
Step 1:

Type sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda3 and press enter as shown in below picture then it will ask for system password, enter password and again press enter.

Step 2:
It will take some seconds to process command and at the end shows the message like “NTFS partition was processed successfully”, as shown in below picture.

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