How To Make Amazon S3 Bucket Public ?

This article intends to make the readers aware of making an existing Amazon S3 bucket public. S3 or Simple Storage Service is a data storage feature used for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data over a virtual environment. This service is issued by Amazon Web Services which is a cloud computing platform. To know more about the S3 service offered by AWS, you can refer to multiple articles and give them a read.

Steps To Make Amazon S3 Bucket Public From Private

Step 1: Log in to the Amazon web services portal with your credentials.

Step 2: Once the logged-in console is visible to you. Go to the search bar and type S3 , from the drop-down select S3 service and click on it.

Step 3: Out of all the S3 buckets present in your list, click on the one you are willing to change the access for. For instance, in my console, the bucket I want to change access to is myawsbucket4256. Here is the screenshot of the display screen.

Step 4: Now, click on your desired bucket go to the “Permissions” tab, and click on the edit button in the bucket settings section. Please refer to the screenshot attached for reference.

Step 5: On the next screen, you will find a section with multiple check boxes. This will help us in changing the access of our S3 bucket. We just have to un-check the Block all public access check box. In case of any confusion do refer to the screenshots attached ahead.

Step 6: Now, we are almost done. Just acknowledge the setting at the end of this section and click on Save Changes box. Here is the screenshot for reference to understand better.

And your changes will be reflected to the concerned S3 bucket in a while.

Amazon S3 Bucket Public – FAQ’s

What is an Amazon S3 access policy?

Amazon S3 bucket access policy refers to the instruction which determines the access control of any particular bucket in the reference.

Why do I need an access policy for my S3 buckets?

Any S3 bucket must have access policies since they hold a lot of sensitive information. As a result, failing to implement the proper access policy on the S3 bucket may result in data theft, unauthorized access to confidential information, etc.

What are the main access policy types in S3 bucket?

The major classification of access types present in Amazon Web Services S3 bucket is as follows –

  1. Public Access Policy
  2. Private Access Policy

When do we want public access in AWS S3?

The user may occasionally need to change certain content from private—which is only seen to a select few—to public—which is available to everyone. The access policy can be changed to accommodate such situations. For Example, a number of discount codes are first kept confidential while they are developed, evaluated, etc. We can alter their access policy once the appropriate moment (such as a clearance sale) arrives to activate these coupons and make them accessible to a wider audience.

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