How to Install Steam in Ubuntu

Steam is a prominent cross-platform gaming engine that offers a variety of fun and popular games for Linux. You may play your favorite games as well as meet and engage with new players through Steam. We will install the Steam Gaming application on Ubuntu in this article. 

Installation of Steam on Ubuntu

The steam application can be installed through two methods:

  • Install Steam from Ubuntu Package Repository
  • Install Steam from the Official Steam Debian Package

Let’s go through both methods one by one.

Method 1: Install Steam from Ubuntu Package Repository

Step 1: Update the repositories of the Ubuntu system by executing the below command.

sudo apt update


Step 2: Upgrade all the packages to their new version by executing the below command.

sudo apt upgrade


Step 3: Ensure that the multiverse repository is enabled. Run the following command to ensure.

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse


Step 4: Now, install the steam application using the following command.

sudo apt install steam


Step 5: Run the following command in the terminal to open the application.

sudo steam


Step 6: Now, log in with your credentials to open the application’s dashboard.


Method 2: Install Steam from the Official Steam Debian Package

Step 1: Download the official Steam Debian Package by executing the following command.

wget -O ~/steam.deb


Step 2: Now, install the deb package through the dpkg command in the terminal.

sudo dpkg --install steam.deb


Step 3: Run the application through the terminal or from Activities Panel.


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