How to install Solidity on macOS?

Solidity is a programming language used for writing smart contracts for many platforms of blockchain, the most common of which is ethereum. It is an object-based programming language that runs on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) which executes the smart contracts. Below are the steps to install solidity in macOS –

1. Installing through npm command in the terminal:

Step 1: You must have npm installed in your system. If not then use the following command to install npm before proceeding further:

brew install node 

Step 2: Now use the following command to install solidity:

npm install -g solc

2. Installing through brew command in the terminal:

Step 1: You must have npm installed in your system. If not then use install it as in Method 1- Step 1.

Step 2: Now use the following command to tap ethereum before installing solidity (required):

brew tap ethereum/ethereum

Step 3: After cloning ethereum objects using the above command, now use the following command to install solidity:

brew install solidity                                

Working With Solidity

Solidity is most commonly used on the online IDE  where one can write and compile smart contract codes. Ganache is used for deploying and setting up a personal Ethereum Blockchain for working with your contracts. It can be used as the web3 provider. You can also link other features like metamask.

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