How to Install Rust on Raspberry Pi?

Rust is a general-purpose programming language. Here, C# is used widely. Rust is mainly used for its speed & memory safety. It is an open-source programming language. We all can use Rust in our machine just by installing it. But, while you are using it in Raspberry Pi we have to install properly Raspberry Os. It is the most important prerequisite. Without it, you can not be able to install and use it further. If you do not install Raspberry Pi Os then you can not open the terminal which was provided along with it. If you can not open the terminal you can not write the proper commands to install the Rust or any other applications.


  • Rust is mainly used for its security purpose. When there is an error it stops the program and generates an error message.
  • It has a fast run time compared to others. It is famous for its speed.
  • it is a mixture of High & Low-Level programming Languages.

Installing Rust on Raspberry Pi

Step 1: Open the terminal of Raspberry Pi Os, then write the following command to download Rust.

curl -sSf | sh

Step 2: You have to wait till the process is completed. Then enter option 1 to proceed with the installation process.

Step 3: You have to wait till the installation is completed.

After the installation is successfully completed, you will see a message “Rust is installed now! Great”.

Step 4: Now, after installation, we will check the version of Rust and its Cargo. So, just write the following two commands one by one.

rustc –version

cargo –version.

So this is how we can install Rust in Raspberry Pi.

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