How to Install Ruby on Termux?

Ruby is an open-source programming language. It can be installed in any operating system. It is an interpreted, high-level object-oriented programming language. It was first implemented in the mid-1990s in Japan. It was developed & designed by Yukihiro “Martz” Matsumoto. The developer wants a programming language that is completely object-oriented. As he could not find any he developed Ruby.


  • Ruby is completely an object-oriented programming language.
  • In Ruby, it has been seen that the development code is much faster than other programming languages.

Installing Ruby on Termux:

Follow the below steps to install Ruby on Termux:

Step 1: To install Ruby in termux first you have to install termux in your android.

Step 2: Open termux in mobile.

Step 3: Then we have to write the below commands like

$ cd . .
$ cd usr/
$ cd etc/
$ cd apt
$ ls

Then we have to wait for some time.

Step 4: Again we have to write the below command:

$ nano sources.list

Step 5:Now enter the below link  as :

deb stable main

Step 6: Now again run the below command:

$ cd sources.list.d/
$ mv *.list ../
$ ls
$ cd . .
$ apt update

Step 7: Then run the below command to install Ruby:

$ pkg install ruby

Step 8: Now enter “Y” when prompted:

Step 9: Then we have to run the following link:

echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib">>-/.bashrc

Step 10: Then we have to run the below command  to exit from termux:

$ exit

Verifying Ruby Installation on Termux:

Use the below command to verify the Ruby installation on Termux:

$ ruby
$ ruby -v

Congratulation. At this point, you have successfully installed Ruby on Termux.

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