How to Install PyQt for Python in MacOS?

Qt is a collection of cross-platform C++ libraries that provide high-level APIs for interacting with a wide range of modern desktop and mobile platforms. Location and positioning services, multimedia, NFC and Bluetooth connectivity, a Chromium-based web browser, and traditional user interface development are among them. PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for Qt version 5. It consists of over 35 extension modules that allow Python to be used as an alternative to C++ for application development on all supported platforms, including iOS and Android. It can also be integrated into C++-based programs to allow users to customize or improve the functionality of those applications.

Installing PyQt on MacOS

Method 1: Using pip to install PyQt Package

Follow the below steps to install the PyQt package on macOS using pip:

Step 1: Install the latest version of Python3 in macOS.

Step 2: Now check if pip3 and python3 are successfully installed in your system.

python3 ā€“version

pip3 ā€“version

Step 3: Upgrade your pip with the latest version to avoid errors during the installation process.

pip3 install ā€“upgrade pip

Step 4: Now we install PyQt using pip3. So enter the following command in the terminal:

pip3 install PyQt5

Method 2: Using brew to install PyQt Package

Step 1: Install Homebrew for macOS.

Step 2: Now to install  PyQt we use the following command: 

brew install PyQt5

Verifying PyQt installation on macOS

To verify that PyQt is successfully installed in your system use the following command in your terminal:

import PyQt5

If you do not get any error in the output then this means that the PyQt5 is successfully installed in your system.

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