How to Install PyBrain on Windows?

PyBrain is an open-source and free-to-use Python-based Machine Learning Library. Its main purpose is to provide machine learning tasks with flexible, easy-to-use, still a very powerful algorithms. It also provides a wide range of predefined environments which is used to test and compare different types of algorithms. It is short for Python-based reinforcement learning, artificial intelligence, and neural network library. In this article, we will see how to install PyBrain on macOS step-by-step.

Installing PyBrain on Windows

Method: Using git & to install PyBrain Package

Follow the below steps to install the PyBrain package in Windows using git &

Step 1: Install the current version of Python3 in macOS.

Step 2: Now check if pip3 and python3 are successfully installed in your system to avoid errors during installation.

python –version

pip –version

Step 3: Upgrade your pip with the latest version to avoid errors during the installation process.

pip install –upgrade pip

Step 4: Install Git for Windows.

Step 5: Now we download/clone the PyBrain package from GitHub using git. So enter the following command in the command prompt:

git clone git://

Or you can also download the Pybrain directly using the website.

Step 6: Go to the pybrain folder and enter the following command to install the package.

cd pybrain

python install

Verifying PyBrain installation on Windows

To verify that PyBrain is successfully installed in your system use the following command in your command prompt:

import pybrain

If you do not get any error in the output then this means that the PyBrain is successfully installed in your system.

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