How to Install py38-eli5 on MacOS?

It stands for Python version 3.8. Python version 3.8 is a programming language commonly used for machine learning, data analysis, gaming, etc. Eli5 in “py-eli5” stands for “Explain Like I’m 5” and is used to request an explanation in simple terms that are easy to understand. Holistically “py38-eli5” refers to a Python library that uses version 3.8 of the language and provides explanations in a simple and easy-to-understand format. 

How to Install y38-eli5 on MacOS?

Step 1: First you need to open the terminal on your macOS.

Screenshot 1

Step 2: Ensure that Python 3.8 is installed on your MacOS. Enter “python3 –version” into your terminal and click enter.

“python3 –version”

Screenshot 2

Step 3: If Python 3 is not installed, you can install it from the official Python website or go to How to install Python on MacOS.

Step 4: Now we have to install eli5. Type “pip3 install eli5” in your Mac terminal and press enter. This will download and install the eli5 packages and their dependencies on your macOS.

“pip3 install eli5”

Screenshot 3

If you have eli5 already installed then it will display like the one shown in the below screenshot.

Screenshot 4

Now as you can see py38-eli5 is now successfully installed on your macOS.

Verifying Installation

For verification of py38 type the command “py38 –version” and for the verification of eli5 type, the command “eli5 –version”  on your Mac terminal and press enter.

“py38 –version”

“eli5 –version”

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