How to Install php-xml in Ubuntu?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language similar to HTML, but the difference between HTML and XML is HTML has predefined tags but in XML we can create our own tags. The format of XML is standardized, if we share or transmit the XML over other systems and platform the receiver still will be able to parse the data due to the standardized XML syntax. XHTML, MathML, SVG, XUL, XBL, RSS, RDF, etc are some languages based on XML. The php-xml package is a dependency package and it depends on the default version of PHP in Ubuntu. This package contains different types of modules for PHP like DOM, WDDX, XML, SimpleXML, and XSL modules.

Installation of php-xml in Ubuntu

Step 1: Verify the installation of php-xml on ubuntu. Before installing php-xml in Ubuntu first we check it is already present in the system or not. So open terminal on your ubuntu system and run the following command

dpkg –list | grep php-xml

If you get no result like in the given image, then follow the steps below to install php-xml.

Step 2: To install php-xml in Ubuntu, update your system packages using the following command.

sudo apt-get update -y

Step 3: After updating system packages now we install the php-xml using the following command.

sudo apt-get install -y php-xml

Step 4: Now we again verify the installation using the following command.

dpkg –list | grep php-xml

So this is how we install php-xml in Ubuntu.

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