How to Install php-devel on CentOS?

PHP is a highly used programming language. It is widely used for website development purposes. Using HTML a simple webpage can be implemented. But using PHP will be more interactive with the users. Nowadays, PHP has many more options to install on many platforms. In PHP some packages are there. These packages help to work easily with PHP. Among them, php-devel is a package manager. It is used to build PHP extensions. CentOS is a stable, predictable platform. Basically, it is an upstream development platform. Which helps to develop, test, and contribute to a continuously delivered distribution. CentOS is a part of the Linux OS. But it can work independently. Before installing Redis, CentOS should be installed on the machine.


  • PHP is completely platform-independent. It can be installed in any operating system.
  • PHP is widely used as it can be used to access databases also.
  • As PHP is open source, so it is widely used by developers for different purposes.

Installing php-devel on CentOS

At the latest version, the PHP-Devel package can not be installed in CentOS separately. It is required to install PHP in CentOS. Along with PHP, all packages including PHP-Devel will also get installed. So to install php-devel on CentOS follow the following step:

Step 1: At first, the CentOS terminal should be opened. There the below-mentioned command should be run. This command will help to update all dependencies needed for installing PHP & all its packages. After this command will be processed further.

dnf module reset php -y


Step 2: Then the following command should be run. This will enable the dependencies which have been updated in the previous command. Here the most appropriate version will be PHP 7.4. In this version, all PHP extensions are worked more smoothly than in other versions. Also, other versions can be used. In this way, we are building the field to download PHP successfully in CentOS.

dnf module enable php:remi-7.4 -y


Step 3: Now, the following command should be run. This will download and install PHP simultaneously. As it will download and install at a time it will take some time. Wait till the process is completed. During this process, the following output can be visible.

dnf install php -y


Step 4: So, after the above command the process is completed. After the completion, the ‘Complete’ & ‘Installed’ statements can be visible.


Hence, the installation process is successful.

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