How to install Node on your system?

Node has become an essential tool for web developers, enabling them to build powerful and scalable server-side applications using JavaScript. Whether you’re diving into backend development or experimenting with server-side scripting, installing NodeJS on your system is the first step towards harnessing its capabilities. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the installation process step-by-step, regardless of your operating system.

What is Node?

Node is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It uses the V8 JavaScript engine, the same engine that powers Google Chrome, to execute code written in JavaScript. Node allows developers to build fast and scalable network applications and is widely used for creating server-side and networking applications.

Installing Node on Different Machines:

1. Installation on Windows:

  • Download Nod: Visit the official Node website ( and download the Windows installer (.msi) package.
  • Run the Installer: Once downloaded, double-click the installer to begin the installation process.
  • Follow Installation Steps: Follow the prompts in the installer, accepting the license agreement, choosing the destination folder, and selecting additional tasks as needed.
  • Verify Installation: To ensure that Node has been successfully installed, open a command prompt and type node -v. This command will display the installed version of Node.

2. Installation on macOS:

  • Download Node: Visit the official Node website ( and download the macOS installer (.pkg) package.
  • Run the Installer: Once the download is complete, double-click the .pkg file to launch the installer.
  • Follow Installation Steps: Follow the installation instructions provided by the installer, which typically involve agreeing to the license agreement and selecting the installation location.
  • Verify Installation: Open a terminal window and type node -v to verify that NodeJS has been installed successfully.

3. Installation on Linux:

  • Using Package Manager: Many Linux distributions offer NodeJS in their official repositories. You can use your distribution’s package manager to install it. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the following commands:
    sudo apt update 
    sudo apt install nodejs
  • Install npm: npm, the NodeJS package manager, typically comes bundled with NodeJS. However, if it’s not included, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:
    sudo apt install npm
  • Verify Installation: After installation, you can verify NodeJS and npm installation by typing node -v and npm -v respectively in a terminal window.


Installing NodeJS on your system is a straightforward process, regardless of the operating system you’re using. Once installed, you’ll have access to a powerful runtime environment for building server-side applications with JavaScript. Whether you’re a beginner exploring web development or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, NodeJS opens up a world of possibilities for building fast and scalable applications.

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