How to Install MongoDB to WAMP?

Everyone has heard about Mongo DB. MongoDB is an open-source tool that supports NoSQL. It is document-oriented not object-oriented. MongoDB is usually used when large data is set to manage information. Here we discuss the installation of MongoDB on Wamp. Before we know about what is Mongo DB and its features. Let’s discuss this shortly. 

Mongo DB

Mongo DB is an open-source NoSQL information-based administration program. NoSQL is utilized as an alternative option to a traditional relational database. Mongo is quite useful for working with large sets of distributed data. Mongo DB is used to manage document-oriented information, and store or receive data. 

Features of Mongo DB 

Below we listing the features of Mongo DB,

  1. Ad-hoc queries for optimization of real-time analysis. 
  2. Indexing for better query optimization.
  3. Replication for data stability.
  4. Sharding.
  5. Load balancing.


Kindly install,

  1. PHP extension 
  2. wamp server 
  3. Apache

Steps to Install Mongo DB on WAMP

Below is the list of instructions that follow to install the MongoDB driver on the wamp server. 

  • Download .delete file                              

Download the .dll file from this link, remember that version that you download is compatible with your PHP version. Unzip the folder.                     


  • Put .dll file into PHP extension            

Copy .dll file and paste into php extension directory.


  • Open the php.ini file                                          

Open the php.ini file for adding the mongo DB extension. 

  • Enable php_mongo.dll extension            

Search below line into php.ini file,                  


If found then okay, otherwise add this line into php.ini. Don’t forget to remove semicolons. 


Restart the wamp server                                  

Restart the wamp server, if found any error then mongo DB is not installed. 

  • Check whether drivers installed or not                  

After installation is done then open phpinfo() file to check mongo DB drivers.



By following the above steps you can able to install MongoDB drivers on the wamp server. I hope you clear all the steps and follow them as per the given order.

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