How to Install Julia on Windows ?

Julia is a programming language used for statistical computations and data analysis. Julia is a combination of super-fast execution speed of C and flexible code writing of Python. Working with Julia is considered to be super fun and super easy among the Computer scientists and Software Engineers, because of its high efficiency.

Getting Started with Julia

Julia programs can be written in any of the widely used text editors like Notepad, Notepad++, gedit, etc. or on any of the text-editors. One can also use an online IDE for writing Julia codes or can even install one on their system to make it more feasible to write these codes because IDEs provide a lot of features like intuitive code editor, debugger, compiler, etc.
To begin with, writing Julia Codes and performing various intriguing and useful operations, one must have Julia installed on their System. This can be done by following the step by step instructions provided below:

Checking for a pre-installed Julia Version:

Before we begin with the installation of Julia, it is good to check if it might be already installed on your system. To check if your device is preinstalled with Julia or not, just go to the Command line(search for cmd in the Run dialog( + R)).
Now run the following command:


Downloading and Installing Julia:

Downloading Julia:
Before starting with the installation process, you need to download it. Julia for Windows is available on its official site

Download Julia and follow the further instructions for its installation.

Beginning with the Installation:

Step 1: Once the downloading is over, click on the setup to open it and follow the step-by-step instructions provided. Click on the Next button, to begin with, the installation process:

Step 2: Select the destination directory to store Julia files. Click on the Next button to proceed.

Step 3: Installation process might take a while to Extract and register files. Sit back and Relax!

Step 4: Once the installation is over, you can proceed with creating shortcuts to open Julia and click on the Finish button to complete the installation process.

After the installation process is completed, there is a need to set up the Environment for Julia to use it on the command line. Go through How to set up Environment Variable in Julia?

To check if the installation and Path setup is done correctly, type the following command on the command-line:


After completing the installation process, any IDE or text editor can be used to write Julia Codes and Run them on the IDE or the Command prompt with the use of command:

julia file_name.jl

Let’s consider a simple Hello World Program.

# Julia program to print Hello World
# print function
print("Hello World!"

Julia codes can be executed in three ways:

  • On the command-line using ‘julia’ command: To execute the above sample code in Julia, open the command line and type the following command:
    julia HelloWorld.jl

  • On the command prompt using Julia command-line: To open Julia command-line on the Windows command prompt, type the following command:

    Now in the Julia command-line type the filename that is to be executed and press Enter.


  • On the Julia command-line: Search for Julia command-line in the Start Menu and open it. Now type the file name and press Enter.
    include("C:/Users/Abhinav Singh/HelloWorld.jl")

    Note: Here in the above command, there is a need to provide whole path of the directory where script file is saved unless the file is saved in the same directory where Julia compiler is stored.

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