How To Install Git on AWS?

Git is a well-known distributed version control system. There are many other distributed version control systems are present, like Mercurial, Bazar, etc but among them, Git is widely used for some of its unique features. Basically Version Control systems are two types. One is Centralised & another one is Distributed. Git is mainly used for implementing new ideas to an existing project or it may help other contributors to improve any existing codes without changing its structure. For this reason Git is widely used all over the globe. For installing Git in AWS server, user need to create one account there & download  the AWS console. Otherwise installation will not possible.

Features of Git

  • Git provides a branch concept that helps to find out merge conflicts.
  • Git is likely the time machine of a certain project. With help of Git, anyone can check the previous version of that project.
  • Git provides a feature where a user can check improvements made by another user on a certain project.

Installing Git In AWS

Step 1: At first, the console of the AWS server should be opened. There the following command should be executed first. This command will help to download & install Git directly at the AWS server. First, it will download the Git & then it will start installing on the server. It will take time.

yum install git -y


Step 2: Now it will ask for permission to continue the installation. We have to insert ‘y’ to start the installation. Wait till the installation is completed.


Step 3: After installation is completed, the below command should run. This command will prompt the installed version of Git in the AWS server. Hence, the installation is completed.


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