How to Install GIT in Conda?

Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the programming languages Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, data processing, and data analytics. It includes Jupyter, Spyder, and a powerful CLI to manage the development environment. Git is a free, open-source, and most popular distributed version control system. It is used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Let’s discuss how to install, configure and use git in anaconda using conda-cli.

Installation of git in conda

Step 1: Click here to download the latest version of Anaconda. 


Step 2: Next, install Anaconda

$ bash




Step 3: Verify the installation.

$ conda –version


Step 4: Finally, install git from the anaconda channel.

$ conda install -c anaconda git



Step 5: Verify the git installation by running

$ git –version


Configuring and using git

Step 1: Update git configuration settings by adding your email and username to the commit.

$ git config –global “email

$ git config –global “username”

Step 2: Generate a personal access token by visiting Make sure to give the required privileges to the token. You can also refer to Using GitHub with SSH for a more clutter-free experience while pulling and pushing changes.

Step 3: Clone the repository using ssh if you have added the ssh key to your GitHub/GitLab account, otherwise use HTTPS.

$ git clone <repo_url>


Step 4: Now, you can create, update or delete any file in our cloned repository. But for now, just a basic python file is created. You can track the changes using the git status command.

$ echo ‘print(“Beginner For Beginner”)’ >>


Step 5: Commit the new file and push the changes to the main branch.

$ git add.

$ git commit -m “relevant message”

$ git push origin branch_name


Step 6: Verify the commit in the git logs or by viewing commit history on Github/GitLab.

$ git log



Note: You can also visit the List of useful Github Commands for a better understanding of git workflow 

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