How to Install, Configure and Use GIT on Ubuntu?

Git is a powerful version control system widely used for tracking changes in source code during software development. This article will walk you through the steps to install, configure, and use Git on an Ubuntu system.

Table of Content

  • Installing Git with Default Packages
  • Installing/Downloading Git from Source
  • Setting Up Git
  • How to Use Git Step-by-Step Guide 

Installing Git with Default Packages

Step 1: Type the command listed below to launch the Terminal.

If you are executing as a normal user

Sudo apt-get install git

If you are executing as a Root user 

Sudo apt-get install git

Installing Git

Installing/Downloading Git from Source

Follow these instructions to install Git from the source on Ubuntu:

Step 1: The first step is to use the command below to update the package list.

sudo apt update

Step 2:The requirements needed to install git must be installed.

sudo apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext libz-dev libssl-dev build-essential

Step 3:Use the following command to download the Git source code from the GitHub website.


Step 4:Run the following command to extract the downloaded using the tar command 

tar -xvf v2.31.1.tar.gz

Step 5: Use the following command to navigate to the extracted directory

cd git-2.31.1

Step 6: Run the following command to configure the build.

make configure

Step 7: Set up the script by running the command below.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Step 8: We need to compile the source code which can be done with the help of the following command.

make all

Step 9: Install Git by using the following command. 

sudo make install

Step 10: Check to see if it is installed and if so, what version is.

git --version

The git version should be displayed by the aforementioned command, allowing us to confirm that git is installed.

Setting Up Git

Step 1: Goto and sign into your account. If you’re a new user, you can simply sign-up. (You can also use as an alternative, but we will use GitHub here). You’ll have a username from here. Let us say that it’s 


Step 3: Before using git, we must set up our GitHub credentials (git config) so that we may use the capability of committing code to the GitHub account. The subsequent commands can be used to do this as shown in the image below 

git config --global "****"
git config --global "****"


Step 4: The /.gitconfig file contains all the data that was configured using the aforementioned command, and the following command can list all the configurations.

git config --list

How to Use Git Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Go to your GitHub account and create a repository with a name(let’s say the name of your project). We are creating a repository with the name My project Step 2: Make a folder with the name of your project and change your current directory to that directory. 

mkdir my-project cd my-project 


Step 3: Now we want to initiate Git for this folder.

git init 


Step 4: Now we will set up the remote, which tells git where the repository is located. 

git remote add origin 


We have now configured and installed git and, created and configured a repository. Let’s say we have a simple file in the project folder HelloWorld.c and we want to share it with a friend who is working on the same project. 


Step 5: To add this file we will type git add hello-world.c Or if we have a lot of files to be transferred from the folder to our git account, then we can use the command. This would transfer the file(s) in the list which we will later commit. 

git add .


Step 6: Next, when we are finished adding the files, then we will have to commit to adding.

 git commit -m 'your_message' 


 Step 7: Next, we need to push the commit that we just made onto the repository on GitHub 

git push origin master

 It would automatically ask you for your username and password for GitHub. After entering the details, go to GitHub and refresh. The files would get added there. 

Username for ' your_username Password for ' ' : ******* 


 Step 8: We have successfully transferred a file to your GitHub account. Now let’s add one more file aboutme.txt and edit our file HelloWorld.c. Following the same procedure we will first add the files, commit and then push them to the GitHub account. ( git add )

git add. git commit -m 'your_message'  
 git push origin master



Step 9: When we would go to our GitHub account, we would see the entire hierarchy of the modification of the file. Here, we would see the changes we made to the HelloWorld.c file in the respective commits. 


 Now, Let’s say one of the co-workers of the project needs to work on hello world. c. After making some changes, he wants to update the file on GitHub. 

Step 10: First he would have to download the whole repository in which the file HelloWorld.c is present into his system.  A folder named my project gets downloaded with all the files in it. The necessary changes are made and then the file is similarly added, committed, and pushed similarly as above. (git clone

git clone



Step 11: If the first user wishes to see the changes, then he can see them by typing (git pull) master is a branch.

 git pull origin master 

How to Install, Configure and Use GIT on Ubuntu?

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