How to install CLion IDE on Ubuntu

CLion (pronounced “sea lion”) is a Linux, macOS, and Windows C and C++ IDE that is integrated with the CMake build system. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and Clang compilers, as well as the GDB debugger, LLDB, and Google Test, are all supported in the first edition. JetBrains’ CLion is one of the greatest C/C++ IDEs available. CLion can help us enhance your workflow if we’re professional C/C++ programmers. The appearance and feel of all JetBrains IDEs, including CLion, are consistent. Both novices and pros will find it simple to use.

We’ll look at how to install and configure CLion C/C++ IDE on Ubuntu in this article. So, let’s get this party started.

Installation of CLion on Ubuntu

Step 1: CLion can be downloaded by going to JetBrains’ official website at using your chosen web browser and selecting Developer Tools > CLion.


Step 2: Now select the Download option from the panel.


Step 3: Make sure that Linux is selected now. Then select DOWNLOAD.


Step 3: We will be prompted to save the file by your browser. Simply choose Save File and click OK.


Step 4: The CLion archive is being downloaded, as we can see.


C/C++ Build Tools Installation

We will go through the installation of C/C++ build tools on Ubuntu in this section. So, after CLion is installed, we’ll be able to compile C/C++ programs.

Step 1: To begin, run the following command to refresh the APT package repository cache:

sudo apt update


Step 2: The cache for the APT package repository should be refreshed. Now run the following command to install C/C++ development tools:

sudo apt install build-essential


Step 3: To continue, press Y/y and then enter.

Build tools for C/C++ are installed on the system.

CLion Installation on Ubuntu

We will go through the installation of CLion on Ubuntu in this section.

Step 1: To begin, use the following command to get to the /Downloads directory:

 cd ~/Downloads

Step 2: The CLion archive file I just downloaded is visible here. Keep the filename handy.

Step 3: To extract the contents of the archive to the /opt directory, perform the following command.

sudo tar xzf CLion-2022.1.1.tar.gz -C /opt

Step 4: As shown in the screenshot below, once the archive has been extracted, a new directory should be formed inside the /opt directory. Keep the directory name in mind.

Step 5: Now type the following command into Terminal to launch CLion:


Step 6: We’ll need to conduct some initial configuration because this is your first time operating CLion. When the following dialogue appears, select Do not import settings and then OK.

Step 7: Select either the Dracula Dark or Dracula Light theme. Then, as shown in the screenshot below, select Next: Toolchains.

Step 8: As we can see, all of the C/C++ development tools have been discovered automatically. Then select Next: Default Plugins.

Step 9: Depending on what we do now, we will be asked to tune CLion. If we do web development and C/C++, for example, we can maintain the Web Development tools. If we don’t require it, simply select Disable All to turn off all web development features. Click Next: Featured Plugins after we’re finished.

Step 10: CLion will now propose several popular plugins that we can install to extend CLion’s functionality. If we use GitHub, for example, the Markdown plugin is essential. So we may install it as a CLion plugin by clicking Install. Click Next: Desktop Entry after we’re finished.

Step 11: Make sure that both checkboxes are selected. Then, as shown in the screenshot below, click on the Start using CLion button.

Step 12: Click Authenticate after entering your login user’s password.

Step 13: CLion will generate desktop icons so that we may run themlicense from the Ubuntu Application Menu. You’ll never need to launch it from the command prompt again. CLion must now be activated. CLion is not available for free. To use CLion, we’ll need to purchase a licence from JetBrains. If we have a valid license, we can activate CLion from here.

Step 14: Select Evaluate for free and click Evaluate if we wish to trial CLion before purchasing a license.

Step 15: The CLion splash screen should appear now. The CLion dashboard will appear after a while. You may create, import, and manage your existing projects from here. The first setup is now complete. CLion can now be launched directly from the Ubuntu Application Menu.

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