How to Install Chainer Python Library on Windows?

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning based entirely on artificial neural networks, in which algorithms are written to mimic the human brain. Chainer is a powerful open-source deep learning framework, flexible and intuitive, written entirely in Python and based on the NumPy and CuPy Python libraries. In this article, we will see an easy way to install the Chainer module on Windows.

Pre Requisites

Here are some prerequisites to install the Chainer module on Windows:

  • Python
  • PIP or Conda (Depending upon user preference)

Installing Chainer on Windows

Method 1: Installation Using PIP

Step 1: Users who want to use pip to install the chainer module on Windows can install the chainer module using the following command at the command prompt:

pip install chainer

A similar message is received once the installation is completed.


Step 2: Now to verify that Chainer was successfully installed on the system with the pip, run the following command in the command prompt.

pip show chainer



Method 2: Installation Using Conda

Step 1: As mentioned above, Users who want to use conda to install the chainer module on Windows can install the chainer module using the following command at the command prompt:

conda install chainer

Enter y when prompted for yes. Once the installation is complete, You will get a similar message.


Step 2: Now to verify that Chainer was successfully installed on the system with the conda, run the following command in the command prompt:

conda list chainer

The following output is received.


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