How to Install Caffe on Ubuntu?

Caffe is a famous open-source deep learning framework developed and maintained by Berkley AI Research (BAIR). It’s extremely flexible, modular, and quick. On Github, there is a wealth of open-source documentation for Caffer. It’s commonly utilised in university research projects, proofs-of-concept for startups, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and other areas.

Installing Caffe on Ubuntu

Step 1: Open the terminal for executing the installation commands.


Step 2: Update the system by executing the following command.

sudo apt update


Step 3: Now, it’s time to set up Caffe. Execute the following command in the terminal to install Caffe CPU only version:

sudo apt install caffe-cpu

or the following command to install Caffe CUDA version:

sudo apt install caffe-cuda


Now you can use Caffe in your projects to make interesting applications.

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