How to Implement Error Handling in R Programming

Error handling is a crucial aspect of programming that allows to identify, and gracefully manage errors or exceptions that may occur during the execution of code. In R Programming Language, effective error handling can enhance the reliability of scripts and applications.

What are Errors in R?

An error refers to a condition that occurs when the execution of a statement or function encounters a problem that prevents it from completing successfully. Good error handling helps to deal with errors and gives helpful messages to users.

Error Handling Techniques

There are some different ways to handle errors in R programming

  1. Try-Catch Blocks
  2. Custom Error Handling
  3. Stop Function
  4. Finally Block (Cleanup)
  5. The warning() function

1. Using tryCatch()

  result <- sqrt(-4)
}, error = function(e) {
  print("An error occurred:", e$message)


[1] NaN
Warning message:
In sqrt(-4) : NaNs produced

The code attempts to calculate the square root of -4, which is not possible in standard real number arithmetic, resulting in a NaN (Not a Number) value.

  • Since an error occurred (trying to take the square root of a negative number), the error message “An error occurred:” along with the specific error message is printed.
  • Additionally, a warning message is displayed indicating that NaNs (Not a Number) were produced during the computation.

2.Custom Error Handling

check_positive <- function(val) {
  if (val < 0) {
    stop("Value must be positive")
  return(val^2)  # Squaring the positive value

  result <- check_positive(-7)
}, error = function(e) {
  print(paste("Error occurred:", e$message))


[1] "Error occurred: Value must be positive"

In the tryCatch block, we attempt to execute the check_positive function with a negative value. If an error occurs within the try block (in this case, because the value is negative), the code jumps to the error block where we specify what action to take in response to the error. Next print a custom error message concatenated with the error message obtained from the caught error.

3.Stop Function

# Define a function to calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer
factorial <- function(n) {
  if (n < 0) {
    stop("Input must be a non-negative integer")  # Stop execution if input is negative
  if (n == 0) {
    return(1)  # Return 1 for factorial of 0
  result <- 1
  for (i in 1:n) {
    result <- result * i  # Calculate factorial

# Test the factorial function
input <- -5
  result <- factorial(input)
  print(paste("Factorial of", input, "is", result))
}, error = function(e) {
  print(paste("Error occurred:", e$message))


[1] "Error occurred: Input must be a non-negative integer"

We define a factorial() function that calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer.

  • Inside the function, we check if the input n is negative using an if statement. If it is, we use stop() to terminate the function execution and throw an error with a custom message.
  • Then test the factorial() function with a negative input (input <- -5) within a tryCatch block. If an error occurs during the execution of the factorial() function, it is caught and an error message is printed.
  • This shows how the stop() function can be used to gracefully handle errors by stopping execution and providing informative error messages.

4.Finally Block (Cleanup)

  file_con <- file("file.txt", "r")  # Renamed file to file_con for clarity
  data <- readLines(file_con)
}, finally = {
  if (exists("file_con")) {


Error in file("file.txt", "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file("file.txt", "r") :
cannot open file 'file.txt': No such file or directory

The tryCatch block attempts to open a file named “file.txt” for reading, and then reads its contents using the readLines() function.

Finally block, regardless of whether an error occurs or not, contains cleanup code. In this case, it checks if the file_con object exists (which indicates that the file connection was successfully opened). If it exists, it closes the file connection using the close() function.

5.The Warning() Function

# Define a function to calculate the square root of a number
calculate_sqrt <- function(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
   warning("Input is negative. Square root of negative numbers produces complex results.")

# Test the function
result <- calculate_sqrt(-9)


Warning messages:
1: In calculate_sqrt(-9) :
Input is negative. Square root of negative numbers produces complex results.
2: In sqrt(x) : NaNs produced
> print(result)
[1] NaN

We define a function calculate_sqrt that calculates the square root of a given number x.

  • Inside the function, we check if the input x is negative. If it is, we generate a warning using warning() to notify the user that taking the square root of negative numbers produces complex results.
  • Then call the calculate_sqrt function with -9 as an argument. This triggers the warning message since -9 is negative.

Cause of Error

Syntax Error: The code doesn’t follow the right structure. For instance, if we write print(“Hello, world!”) but forget to close the quotation marks, we’ll see a syntax error.

# Incorrect syntax: missing closing quotation mark
print("Hello, world!)


Error: unexpected symbol in:
"# Incorrect syntax: missing closing quotation mark

Runtime Error: When the code is written correctly, but it tries to do something impossible. For example, if we attempt to divide a number by zero, we’ll encounter a runtime error because we can’t divide by zero.

# Attempting to divide by zero
result <- 10 / 0


[1] Inf

Here, R returns Inf, which stands for “infinity,” because dividing any non-zero number by zero results in infinity in R.

Logical Error: It’s happen when the code looks right and makes sense, but it doesn’t give the expected results. For example, try to add two words together using the addition operator (+), it won’t work as expected because we can’t add words together like numbers.

# Adding two words together
result <- "Hello" + "World"


Error in "Hello" + "World" : non-numeric argument to binary operator

Error Handling in R Programming

Syntax Error

# Syntax Error Example
# This code contains a syntax error due to a missing closing parenthesis
print("Hello, world!")  # Corrected: Added the missing closing parenthesis


[1] "Hello, world!"

Runtime Error

# Define a function to perform division
safe_division <- function(x, y) {
      result <- x / y
        return("Error: Division by zero occurred.")
      } else {
    error = function(e) {
      return("Error: Division by zero occurred.")

# Example usage
result <- safe_division(10, 0)
print(result) # This will print "Error: Division by zero occurred."


[1] "Error: Division by zero occurred."

Logical Error

# Logical Error Example
# This code attempts to add two strings together, resulting in a logical error
# Corrected: Using paste() function to concatenate strings
result <- paste("Hello", "World")  


[1] "Hello World"

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