How to handle rollbacks in Redux applications with optimistic updates ?

When using Redux in applications, managing rollbacks with optimistic updates means that we need to handle state changes optimistically before confirming the success of an action with the backend. In case the action fails, the state needs to be rolled back to its previous state to maintain consistency and integrity.

Handling Rollbacks in Redux Applications with Optimistic Updates:

  • Optimistic Updates:
    • When an action is dispatched, the Redux store immediately updates the state optimistically, assuming the action will succeed.
    • This provides a smooth and responsive user experience by instantly reflecting changes in the UI without waiting for confirmation from the server.
  • Backend Interaction:
    • After the optimistic update, the action is sent to the backend for processing, such as updating data in the database or performing other operations.
  • Handling Response:
    • If the backend operation succeeds, no further action is needed. The optimistic update remains in place, and the UI reflects the updated state.
    • If the backend operation fails, the frontend needs to handle the rollback process.
  • Rollback Process:
    • Upon receiving an error or failure response from the backend, the Redux store dispatches a rollback action.
    • This rollback action typically reverts the state to its previous state before the optimistic update.
    • By reverting to the previous state, consistency is maintained, and the UI reflects the correct data, even though the backend operation failed.
  • Error Handling:
    • Error handling mechanisms should be in place to inform the user about the failure and possibly provide options for corrective actions.
    • This could involve displaying error messages, allowing users to retry the action, or offering alternative paths to resolve the issue.
  • Asynchronous Actions:
    • For asynchronous actions, such as network requests, middleware like Redux Thunk or Redux Saga can be used to handle the rollback process asynchronously.
    • These middleware intercept actions, allowing additional logic to be executed before dispatching the rollback action in case of failure.

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