How to handle asynchronous operation in TypeScript?

The asynchronous operations in TypeScript can be performed in the same way as we usually do in simple JavaScript. We can use the Promises, Callbacks, and async/await statements to handle the asynchronous operation in TypeScript. The below syntax will show how you can use different approaches to handle the asynchronous operations in TypeScript.


// Using Promises
function function_name(): Promise<string>{
return new Promise(()=>{
// Resolve promise here

// Using Callbacks
function function_name((data: string, error?: Error) => {
// Resolve callback here

// Using async/await
function func1(delay: number): Promise<void>{
return new Promise(()=>{
// Resolve Promise here

async function function_name(): Promise<string>{
const pro = await func1(2000);
return pro;

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