How to handle analytics tracking with Hooks?

When it comes to understanding how users interact with your website or application, analytics tracking is key. React Hooks provides a clean and reusable way to integrate analytics into your components, making it easier to manage and track user events.

Steps to Handle Analytics Tracking with React Hooks:

  • Identify Events to Track: Determine the user interactions or events that are crucial for analytics. These could be button clicks, form submissions, or any other meaningful actions.
  • Choose an Analytics Service: Select an analytics service that suits your needs. Common choices include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and others. Create an account, set up a new project, and obtain the necessary tracking code.
  • Install the Analytics Library: Install the analytics library or SDK provided by your chosen service. Follow the service-specific documentation for installation instructions using npm or yarn.
  • Create a Custom Hook for Analytics: Write a custom hook, such as useAnalytics, to encapsulate the analytics logic. This hook can include functions for tracking different events and any necessary setup.
  • Use the Custom Hook in Components: Import and use the useAnalytics hook in components where you want to track events.
  • Review Analytics Dashboard: After implementing analytics tracking, review the analytics service’s dashboard to analyze the data. This dashboard will provide insights into user interactions, page views, and more.

Example: Below is an example of handling analytics tracking with hooks.


// App.js
import React from 'react';
import useAnalytics from './useAnalytics';
const App = () => {
    const { trackEvent } = useAnalytics();
    const handleButtonClick = () => {
        trackEvent('Button Clicked',
            { buttonLabel: 'My Button' });
    return (
                Click me
export default App;


// useAnalytics.js
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const useAnalytics = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        const cleanupFunction = () => {
            console.log("Clean up is Done")
        return cleanupFunction;
    }, []);
    const trackEvent = (eventName, eventData) => {
        // Use the analytics library to track the event
        console.log(`Event tracked:
                ${eventName}`, eventData);
    return { trackEvent };
export default useAnalytics;



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