How to get the path of current script in R ?

In this article, we will see how to determine the path of the current script in R Programming Language.

Method 1: Traditional method

If we want to check the current directory of the R script, we can use getwd( ) function. For getwd( ), no need to pass any parameters. If we run this function we will get the current working directory or current path of the R script. To change the current working directory we need to use a function called setwd( ). We need to pass the path as a parameter.

syntax : getwd( ) 

Example :



Output :

Method 2: Using rstudioapi package  

To use the functions of rstudioapi we need to install this package first. To install this package type the below command in the terminal.


From rstudioapi package we need to use getSourceEditorConext(). It’s like a list. We need to retrieve the path from it. So we need to use $ operator along with getSourceEditorConext(). Before executing this we need to save the R script with some name and with .R extension. Then run the below code for getting the current path of R script.

Example : 


# importing rstudioapi package
# retrieving path from getSourceEditorContext() 
# using $ operator 

Output :

Method 3: Using here Library 

In the here library we are going to use here( ) function. This function determines the path of the current R script. No need to pass any parameters. Just import the library using the library( ) function. If the package is not available, install using install.packages( ) function by passing package name as parameter within quotations. After installing package, call here( ) function. 

Syntax : here( )

Example :



Output :

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