List all the Objects present in the Current Working Directory in R Programming – ls() Function

ls() function in R Language is used to list the names of all the objects that are present in the working directory.

Syntax: ls()

This function needs no argument

Example 1:

# R program to list all the object names
# Creating a vector
vec <- c(1, 2, 3)
# Creating a matrix
mat <- matrix(c(1:4), 2)
# Creating an array
arr <- array(c(1:4), 2)
# Calling ls() Function


[1] "arr" "mat" "vec"

Example 2:

# R program to list all the object names
# Creating a list
list1 = list("Numbers" = c(1:3), 
             "Characters" = c(1:5)) 
# Creating a Data frame
df = data.frame("Numbers" = c(1:3), 
                "Characters" = c(4:6)) 
# Calling ls() Function


[1] "df"    "list1"

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