How to Execute Assembly Language Programs in Keil Microvision?

An assembly language programs are the statements that are assembly language instructions from an instruction set or an assembler’s directives. In this article, we are going to see how to execute these assembly language instructions or assembler directives in Keil Microvision software. Keil Microvision software is an open-source software or an IDE used for executing assembly language programs and embedded C programs. Let’s see the steps to execute the assembly language program in Keil Microvision software. 

Executing assembly language programs in Keil Microvision Software

Follow the following steps to execute assembly language programs in Keil Microvision software:

Step 1: Open Keil Microvision software then click on the project then click on the new Microvision project.


Step 2: Save your file with .asm extension for example (addition of numbers.asm) and save it.


Step 3: Select microchip AT89S52 and click on ok.


Step 4: Now click on target 1 and then double click on source group 1, select the file that you saved previously with extension .asm add it to the source group, and close it.


Step 5: Now click on the + sign shown before source group 1, then double click on the file that comes after clicking on +sign. Then write assembly language code in the plane text area that appears.


Step 6: Click on build and rebuild to check errors then click on debug and start debug session. 


Step 7: Then click on run you can run directly or you can run step by step by clicking every time on the step or pressing F11 and then check the output here the output is visible in blue color.


By following the above-mentioned steps you can execute any type of assembly language statements or instructions and assembler directives in Keil Microvision software.

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