How to Create a Card in Material UI ?

To create a card in Material UI, you can use the ‘Card’ component along with other components like ‘CardHeader’, ‘CardContent’, and ‘CardActions’ to structure content. Customize it with styles and props for a sleek, responsive design that fits your application seamlessly.


npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

The below table illustrates the terms alongside their descriptions.

Term Description
@mui/material Package containing Material UI components.
@emotion/react Required for styling components with Emotion.
@emotion/styled Required for styling components with Emotion.


  • Versatile Card Components: Material UI offers a variety of card components with different layouts and styles, suitable for various content presentations.
  • Customization Options: Cards can be easily customized with props such as elevation, background color, and border-radius to match your design requirements.
  • Content Structure: Cards support flexible content structures, allowing you to include text, images, buttons, and other elements within the card.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like buttons or links within the card to enable user actions or navigation.


import React from 'react';
import { Card, CardContent, Typography, Button } from '@mui/material';

function MyCard() {
return (
<Card elevation={3}>
<Typography variant="h5" component="div">
Card Title
<Typography variant="body2">
This is a sample card content. You can add any text or components here.
<Button variant="contained" color="primary">
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export default MyCard;

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