How to create a Button in Bootstrap 5?

To create a button in Bootstrap 5, use the <button> element with the class “btn” along with additional styling classes for appearance and behavior. For example, you can add classes like “btn-primary” for a primary button or “btn-outline-secondary” for a secondary outlined button.




<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary Button</button>

The table below illustrates the various button types and their respective descriptions.

Button Type Description
Primary Button Represents the primary action or main button in a UI.
Secondary Button Represents a secondary action or button with less emphasis.
Success Button Indicates a successful action, such as saving or submitting.
Danger Button Highlights potentially dangerous or critical actions.
Warning Button Alerts users to cautionary actions or potential issues.
Info Button Provides additional information or non-critical actions.
Light Button Offers a light-colored button for non-urgent actions.
Dark Button Represents a darker-colored button for important actions.

Key Features:

  • Button Type: The type attribute is set to “button” to define the button’s behavior.
  • Button Class: The btn class is fundamental for styling buttons in Bootstrap.
  • Button Variant: Use classes btn-primary to specify different button variants (e.g., primary, secondary, success).
  • Button Size: Adjust the size with classes like btn-lg for large buttons or btn-sm small ones.

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