How to combine two vectors in R ?

In this article, we will learn how to combine two vectors in R Programming Language. We can combine two or more vectors using function c() itself. While using function c() All arguments are coerced to a common type which is the type of the returned value.

Syntax: c(…)


  • …: arguments to be combined

Returns: A vector

Steps –

  • Create vectors to be combined
  • Combine them using c()
  • Display combined result

Example 1: Vectors of the same data type will give the vector of input data type as result. 


a <- c(1, 2, 8) 
b <- c(5, 8, 9, 10) 
c <- c(a,b)
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b),
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")
a <- c("geek","for","geek")
b <- c("hello","coder")
c <- c(a,b)
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b),
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")
a <- c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)
b <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
c <- c(a,b)
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b),
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")


[1]  1  2  8  5  8  9 10

typeof a double  typeof b double typeof c double 

[1] “geek”  “for”   “geek”  “hello” “coder”

typeof a character  typeof b character typeof c character 


typeof a logical  typeof b logical typeof c logical 

While combining vectors of type double and character, character and logical, double and logical c() function return vector of a type character, character, double respectively.

Example 2: 


a <- c(1, 2, 8) 
b <- c("hello","coder")
c <- c(a,b)
# a vector of type double and b vector of type 
# character result c vector of type character
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b), 
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")
a <- c("geek","for","geek")
b <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
# a vector of type character and b vector of type logical
# result c vector of type character
c <- c(a,b)
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b), 
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")
a <- c(1, 2, 8) 
b <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
c <- c(a,b)
# a vector of type double and b vector of type 
# logical result c vector of type double
cat("typeof a", typeof(a), " typeof b", typeof(b),
    "typeof c",typeof(c) , "\n")


[1] “1”     “2”     “8”     “hello” “coder”

typeof a double  typeof b character typeof c character 

[1] “geek”  “for”   “geek”  “TRUE”  “FALSE”

typeof a character  typeof b logical typeof c character 

[1] 1 2 8 1 0

typeof a double  typeof b logical typeof c double 

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