How to build Your Own Brand: Guiding steps

Businesses of all sizes need a strong brand to succeed. It is the emotions and perceptions that people have with your business. A strong brand can help you get customers who are willing to pay handsome amounts of money for your products and services. In this article, we will talk about how you can build your very own brand. Also, we’ll suggest some amazing tools to lighten your workload.

How to build Your Own Brand

Building Your Own Brand- a step-by-step guide

1. Idea Generation

The first step is to come up with a clear idea of what your brand is all about. You need to identify what you would be known for, your skills, experiences, and perspectives. To generate profitable ideas you should brainstorm your strengths, interests, and passion. Then you must narrow down the areas in which you are most enthusiastic and feel you can make a distinctive contribution to the IT sector.


Used for

Pricing Plans


Lets you organize your thoughts and ideas.

  • Free


Connects people in real-time to develop and generate ideas

  • Free

2. Research

After you gained a deep understanding of your target audience, you can start doing the research of your competition. Research about other brands catering to the same audience what are they good at, and what can they do better. Once you understand your competition you get the leverage in identifying opportunities to differentiate yourself and create a unique value proposition.


Used for

Pricing Plans


Getting market data and consumer insights.

  • Starts from $5900.
  • Customized plans are available.

Answer The Public

Keyword research tool that helps you understand the questions that people ask

  • Starts from $5
  • 7-day free trial available.

3. UVP

Your unique value proposition is what sets you apart from other businesses. To develop a strong unique value proposition focus on your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. Identify what is unique that you can cater to the customers that no one else can.


Used for

Pricing Plan

Value Proposition Canvas

Helps you to identify and generate your UVP

  • Free

Value Proposition Engine

Helps you to generate and test different UVPs and provides feedback

  • Free

4. Strategy

You need to build a solid strategy for your brand from its operations to its marketing to avoid any possible mistakes. A good strategy ensures a lower probability of any possible losses and exponentially increases the growth of any business.

Your strategy should include things like:

  • What content you will create and where you will publish it?
  • What social media platforms you will use to engage with your audience?
  • What industry events you will attend?
  • What networking opportunities you will pursue?


Used for

Pricing Plan

Brand Strategy Canvas

Used for developing a comprehensive brand strategy.

  • Free

Brand Positioning Map

Used for visual representation of a brand’s position relative to its competitors.

  • Free

5. Website or Application

Your website is a platform that empowers your brand along with being a medium to provide your services to the customers. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that your website is user-friendly, dynamically designed, and informative. You can consider developing a mobile application to reach a wider audience if you have the skills and resources.


Used for

Pricing Plan


Creating websites and blogs.

  • Starts from $75


Creating web apps and mobile apps without any coding experience.

  • Starts from Rs. 160 to Rs. 280
  • Free plan available

6. Network

No brand expands without networks. Networking is very important to make your company a brand. Networking not only expands business but also helps you learn new things and find new opportunities. To widen your network you can consider attending industry events, joining online communities, and reaching out to people you admire.


Used for

Pricing Plan

Mighty Networks

Creating and managing online communities

  • Starts from $33.
  • Customized plans are available.

Bumble Bizz

Allows you to connect with other professionals.

  • Free

7. Sales and Marketing

As soon as you gain a considerable following you can start focusing on sales and marketing. When you market your products and services you turn your potential leads into high-paying customers. Though there are many different sales and marketing strategies you can use, we have mentioned some of them for you below:

  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Paid advertising


Used for

Pricing Plan


Helps you to automate your marketing tasks

  • Starts from $4.
  • Free plan available.


Provides the resources and tools needed to qualify and nurture leads to close deals

  • Paid but contact for the exact cost.

8. Customer Support

Once you have customers, it is important to provide them with excellent customer support to build trust and loyalty with customers. You should be responsive to customer inquiries and must go the extra mile to help them out of their problems.


Used for

Pricing Plan


Helps to keep track of customer support tickets, prioritize, and assign them.

  • Starts from $55
  • Customized plans are available


Reduces the number of support tickets you receive and helps customers find the answers

  • Starts from $175

9. Cash Flow

The ultimate goal of building a personal brand is to generate cash flow. You can either sell products, services, or provide consultation to make monetary gains. Once you generate a considerable amount of cash flow, reinvesting it in your brand increases the chances of growth and scalability.


Used for

Pricing Plan


Allows you to accept payments from your customers

  • 2% commission for cards in India and 3% for outside India.
  • Custom plans available


Helps you to predict your future cash flow and take steps that can lessen the severity of losses.

  • Starts from $6
  • Customized plans are available

NOTE: The companies providing these helpful tools also have paid and customized plans. You can check it out on their official websites.

Tips to make your brand successful

  • Be authentic: Provide authentic services to gain name and fame. Also if the service is good the customers will promote it to others.
  • Be consistent: Be consistent in your branding, your messaging, and your content. This will help you to create a strong and recognizable brand identity.
  • Be helpful: Share your knowledge and expertise with others, and offer help to them whenever you can. It is a great way to build trust among the audience.
  • Be patient: Building a strong personal brand is time consuming process. Hence, you need to be patient and trust the process if you don’t see the results immediately.


Building a strong brand is essential for any business to succeed as people these days identify businesses by their brand names. If you succeed in building up a brand then it has a significant impact on customers as it helps them to relate with it and builds trust and loyalty with the customers. Also, it increases customer retention rate and your brand name speaks for itself. This article has all you need to know about building a strong brand value and preparing you to BUILD YOUR OWN BRAND easily!

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