How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Adding eBook downloads to your WordPress website can enhance user engagement and provide valuable content for your users. In this guide, we’ll cover the steps to set up eBook downloads.

Generally, WordPress users want to give a freebie in the form of PDF content when the visitors subscribe to their new letters. However, due to less knowledge of WordPress, they face difficulty in adding the feature of eBook download to their WordPress website.

In this article, we will see how to add eBook downloads to the WordPress website in a few simple steps:

Adding eBook Downloads to WordPress Website

Follow these steps to add eBooks to the WordPress website:

Step 1: First to add this eBook download to your website, you should have to create the post or page. Here for demo purposes, I have selected the new page.

To create a new page hover over the “Pages” and then click on “Add New“.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 2: Write the page title or you can also choose the existing page or post. And then click on the “+” icon.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 3: After clicking on the “+” (Add Block) icon, choose the file option from the pop-up box.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

After choosing the file this type of window will appear on the screen.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 4: Now upload the pdf eBook from your computer or if you have already uploaded it to the media library then you can select it from there. Here I’m uploading the file form my computer.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 5: Choose the pdf file from your computer.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 6: After uploading the file, you will get the setting option related to this pdf file. You can set all the settings according to your requirements.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

Step 7: After completing of upload and doing all the settings, click on the “Publish” button to save all the changes and publish the page.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

This is how you can upload eBooks and pdf files to your WordPress website.

How to add eBook downloads in WordPress website ?

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