How does the Data Link Layer Handle Collisions in Ethernet Networks?

Answer: A data link layer in Ethernet networks handle collision using CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Detection) protocol.

A system that wants data transmission first checks the transmission channel. If the transmission channel is free, it sent the data. If during the data transfer congestion occurs, then it stops the data transfer immediately and sends a jam signal, So that all the systems or devices can sense that collision has occurred. All the system waits for some time to resend the data hence reducing the chance of collision. This process is repeated until the data is transferred successfully.

In the ethernet networks all the systems are connected with common communication channel and hence, the chance of collision increases in this network. The data link layer uses CSMA/CD to handle collision in the Ethernet networks. First, the communication channel is checked if it is free then only a system can send data. While the data transfer if the collision occurs then the data transferring device immediately stops the data transfer and sends a jam signal so that other device can know that collision has occurred. All the devices in the network wait for certain time to resend the data hence, avoiding collision.

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