How Do CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD Handle Network Collisions?

Answer: CSMA/CA handles the network collisions before the collision occurs whereas CSMA /CD handles the network collisions after the collision occurs. CSMA/CA avoids the collision before its occurrence by handshake technique. CSMA/CD detects the collision after its occurrence and aims to recover the collision.

CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access /Collision Avoidance) works with wireless networks and prevents the collision before it occurs and ensures a collision free channel. It senses the channel before the data transmission. CSMA CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access /Collision Detection) works with both wired and wireless networks and detects the collision after it occurs and tries to recover the occurred collisions. CSMA CA decreases the chance of collision whereas CSMA/CD only reduces the recovery time. The CSMA/CA is used in IEEE 802.11 standard and CSMA/CD is used in IEEE 802.3 standard.


So, CSMA/CA avoids the collision before its occurrence whereas CSMA/CD detects and recovers the collision after its occurrence. CSMA/CA minimizes the probability of collision occurrence whereas CSMA/CD minimizes the recovery time of collision. The CSMA/CA is mainly used with wireless networks whereas CSMA/CD is mainly used for wired networks.

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