How Does Bus Topology Communicate?

Answer: Bus Topology communication happens through a shared bus line, where the signals are sent, devices identify their addresses, and targeted data transmission takes place, ending with signal termination.

Communication of Bus topology is specified in below steps:

Step 1: Signal Transmission

In the bus topology network, communication begins with a node sending a signal to the shared communication line, which is called as the “bus.”

Step 2: Signal Propagation

The signal then travels along the bus, passing through each node connected to it. These nodes can be computers, servers, printers, and other network devices.

Step 3: Device Recognition

As the signal propagates, each nod on the network checks the signal to determine if it is intended for them. Devices identify their own addresses which is stored within the signal.

Step 4: Data Transmission

If the signal matches a device’s address, that device processes the data contained in the signal. This process enables targeted communication between nodes on the network.

Step 5: Signal Termination

After the signal reaches its intended destination, it ends, preventing it from continuing along the bus and causing interference with other communications.

Step 6: Collision Detection

In some bus networks, collision detection methods are use to manage instances where multiple nodes attempt to transmit data in same time. These methods help avoid data collisions.

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