How Can a Hybrid Network Topology Provide More Benefits than a Single Topology?

Answer: Hybrid network topology provides more benefits than a single topology because hybrid network topology combines the features of the basic topologies like mesh topology, bus topology, star topology etc.

Hybrid Topology

The network topology that integrates the features of the fundamental topologies is known as hybrid topology. The hybrid network topology provides more benefit than single topology as it is a collection of different topologies with different features.

  1. It optimizes the network and minimizes the implementation cost of the network.
  2. The hybrid network topology is more flexible and secure as compared to the other basic topologies like bus, star and mesh.
  3. The hybrid network topology controls the large amount of traffic congestion and are used in large networks.
  4. In hybrid topology the addition of new nodes and error correction and detection can be done very easily.
  5. It enhances the speed of the network as it is combination of two or more topologies.


From the above discussion we can conclude that a hybrid network topology provides more benefits like flexibility, reliability and is used in large networks. It also increases the speed of the network as it is a collection of more than one topology. In this way hybrid topology provides more benefits than a single network topology.

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