HNBGU Central University Campus Experience

Hi guys Today, I will share my college life experience with you. I am currently a 4th-year student in the Computer Science department at fun in Uttarakhand. I got into this central university through the JEE Main exam, where I scored 91 percentile. Here is my college life experience.

I am originally from the south, so coming to north India, Uttarakhand, for college was a big change. When I entered my first year, I felt very excited because now I was a B.Tech student. I had watched the movie “Happy Days,” which portrayed B.Tech life as fun. But later, I realized that B.Tech life can be tough.

In my first year, I didn’t know what to do daily. Sincerely, I was studying hard for semester subjects. All the seniors were asking why I was studying so much, and I told them I needed good marks. The seniors told me that there was no use in studying for the semester; they said studying for one day in six months was enough. They explained that if you study for the entire six months, you still wouldn’t get good marks because the system is flawed.

Another part of B.Tech life is friends. When you enter B.Tech, you expect to make good friends and have a strong friend circle. In my first year, I thought that everything was about friends. I roamed almost everywhere in Uttarakhand with friends, posting Instagram stories with the theme “friends forever.” However, I faced a language barrier. I knew only Telugu and English, but in the north, everyone speaks Hindi. Only a few people spoke in English. One of my friends from the north criticized me, saying, “You don’t know Hindi, why did you come here? You’re wasting your time.” I cried because I didn’t know Hindi.

One of my friends from the north saw all this and supported me a lot. She motivated me to try speaking in Hindi, saying that whether it’s right or wrong, people might laugh at first, but one day they will proudly say their Hindi is very good. By the 2nd year, the same friend who had criticized me admitted that my Hindi speaking skills had improved significantly.

In the 3rd part, I will talk about my studies. In my first year, I focused only on semester subjects and didn’t learn anything beyond that. But eventually, I realized that only semester subjects are not enough. I started learning C programming language and could solve easy problems, but I was more interested in Python. However, no one encouraged me to start with Python; everyone said to study C first and then learn Python later. The real truth is, YouTube is the best for learning every subject. Lecturers often don’t teach anything substantial; they just present a PowerPoint file on a laptop and read through it. People attend classes mainly for attendance.

Assignments are mostly useless; they don’t offer any real benefits. Typically, there are 10 to 20 questions, and one person completes the assignment the day before it’s due, and everyone else in the class copies it. It feels like a waste of 3 to 4 hours with no real learning. Lecturers don’t check what you’ve written in the assignments; they just sign the last page. It feels bad because you put in so much hard work, and they don’t even look at it.

The college environment is good with big buildings and good auditoriums. Campus life is full of fun.

What I’ve learned in my college life is the importance of skills beyond just the classroom.

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